Tradeshows for 2008′


January 20-23. Orlando, FL. 20th FDSOA Apparatus Specification and Vehicle Maintenance Symposium. Rosen Plaza Hotel. Most of the attendees at this popular annual event are senior fire department apparatus and maintenance personnel from across the country — reason enough for apparatus and equipment manufacturers to attend as well.
For more information go to

January 22-26. Jacksonville, FL. Fire Rescue East. Prime Osborn Convention Center. Come for the FDSOA Apparatus Specification and Vehicle Maintenance Symposium in Orlando at the beginning of the week and go to the Fire Rescue East show in Jacksonville at the end of the week.
For more information go to

February 3-7. San Diego, CA. Firehouse World. San Diego Convention Center. Exhibits open February 5-7.
For more information go to 

March 4-6. Reno, NV. Wildland Urban Interface Conference. Grand Sierra Resort and Casino.
For information, go to 

March 9-14. Fort Worth, TX. Southwest EVT Conference. This fast-growing event provides an excellent facility with lots of good training for shop supervisors, mechanics and emergency vehicle technicians.
For information, go to

March 14-19. Orlando, FL. FAMA Spring Meeting.

March 26-28. Baltimore, MD. EMS Today Conference and Expo. Baltimore Convention Center.
For info, call Ed Nichols at (203) 840-5968 or go to 

April 7-12. Indianapolis, IN. Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC). Exhibits on April 10-12. For information go to:

May 16-18. Harrisburg, PA. Pennsylvania Fire Expo.
For info, call Tina Alexander at (717) 464-3291.

May 19-23. Daytona Beach, FL. National EVT Training Academy. This is a great opportunity for apparatus dealers to give their service personnel some valuable training in a variety of maintenance subjects.
For information, go to

June 12-14. Lake George, NY. New York Fire Chiefs Conference.

July 22-27. Baltimore, MD. Firehouse Expo. Baltimore Convention Center. Exhibits open on July 24-26.

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