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Nearly 40 Million Drivers Expected to Hit the Road Memorial Day Weekend

Nearly 40 Million Drivers Expected to Hit the Road Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day is the Third Most Perilous Holiday for Vehicular Traffic. Radarsign Reminds Drivers How-to Keep Roads Safe for Holiday Fun

Alpharetta, GA – May 2009 — Nearly forty million drivers are expected to fill highways and byways this coming holiday weekend according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. Memorial Day weekend is the third most perilous holiday for vehicular traffic. Thanksgiving holds the number one spot, with Independence Day at number two. Labor Day and New Year’s Eve round out the top five.

Radarsign (http://www.radarsign.com), the leading manufacturer and retailer of driver feedback signs, today released TEN TIPS TO ROAD SAFETY as vacationers hit the streets.

1. Don’t drive drowsy. According to the National Sleep Foundation’s Report on Drowsy Driving, 100,000 reported crashes, 71,000 injuries and 1,550 deaths every year are attributed to drivers falling asleep at the wheel. Add to that heavy holiday traffic and you have a recipe for disaster. If you are feeling drowsy, get off the road.

2. Wear your seat belt. The DOT reports fifty percent of all vehicular deaths could have been prevented with seat belts.

3. Signal your intentions. Every move you make on the road impacts the decisions and actions of others. By signaling your intention to turn or change lanes, you ensure others are alert to your movements.

4. Do not tailgate. Leave a distance equal to one car’s length for every ten miles per hour. For example, if you are traveling fifty miles an hour, you should fall back a distance equal to five car lengths from the vehicle in front of you.

5. Move away from tailgaters. Many drivers attempt to "teach" a lesson to tailgaters by tapping their brakes telling the other driver to back off. Tailgaters typically exercise poor judgement and endanger themselves and others – especially when challenged. The best thing to do is move out of the way and let the tailgater safely pass you.

6. Avoid standing water. If you must drive through water, do so slowly and avoid sudden use of your brakes, turning too sharply or excessive acceleration. If you do hydroplane (an instance where the tread cannot channel the rainwater from under your tires), do not hit the brakes. Reduce your speed by taking your foot off the accelerator and turning the wheel in the direction you want to travel.

7. Know pedestrian rights. Always be aware of pedestrians at intersections and remember pedestrians have the right of way.

8. Turn on your headlights when visibility is low. The sobering statistic is that while only 25% of the miles we drive are at night, about 50% of the fatalities occur in the darkness–25,000 people each year.

9. Obey the speed limit. A difference of only five miles an hour can be the difference between life and death.

10. Stay alert! Talking on a cell phone, texting, reading maps – even listening to voice-directed GPS systems – can distract you from the road and lead to accidents.

"Every eighteen seconds a U.S. driver is involved in an auto accident and every 11 minutes someone dies in a car crash." said Charlie Robeson, co-Founder of Radarsign. "Road safety is a serious issue; that’s why Radarsigns are affordable enough to be purchased by anyone and flexible enough to be put anywhere speeding is a problem. In the meantime, we hope everyone follows these driver safety tips and has a happy and safe holiday weekend."

About Radarsign

Radarsign is the country’s most affordable, reliable and personal provider of driver feedback signs. Delivering the most energy efficient products on the market and a "built-for-the-job" design, Radarsigns are the most dependable and easy-to-use traffic calming solution. Radarsign products are available in a variety of sizes and mounting options (pole-mounted, mobile stand, trailer-hitch mount, etc.) and provide a proven and affordable solution to calming traffic in neighborhoods, school zones, military and corporate campuses, as well as city streets and highways. For more information visit: www.radarsign.com

Radarsign Driver Feedback Signs Slow Speeding Drivers By 50%

Number of Speeders in Georgia School Zone Reduced Along With Their Speeds

Atlanta, GA – May 4, 2009 – N. Peachtree Road is flanked by a middle school and elementary school on one side and neighborhoods on the other. Parents and children regularly dodge speeding cars who do not stop for crossing guards or pedestrian crossings.

City and community officials invited Radarsign, LLC, one of the country’s leading manufacturers of driver feedback signs, to engage in a test to slow drivers.

Video of the event is available: http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-253740

The Test:

Week One: Radarsign installed a driver feedback display in “stealth” mode to record traffic patterns without alerting drivers to their speeds.

Week Two: The display was turned on so drivers were alerted to their speeds as they approached the school zone.

The Results:

Radarsign’s StreetSmart Technology detected more than half of all drivers on this road were speeding during week one, totaling nearly 10,000 cars.

By week two, Radarsign cut the the total number of speeders by more than forty percent.

Radarsign also slowed the fastest drivers on the road by nearly ten miles per hour.

A pedestrian struck by a car traveling 40 mph has a 90 percent chance of being killed. On this road, Radarsign cut the number of drivers exceeding 40 mph by fifty percent.

“Accident statistics routinely show a reduction in speed of as little as five miles an hour can be the difference between life and death,” said Charlie Robeson, Director of Sales and Marketing for Radarsign, LLC. “Crashes happen when people arenʼt paying attention. We have so many distractions today that take our attention from the road. Radarsignʼs products alert drivers to their speed – and the posted speed limit. Alert drivers, drive safely. Itʼs that simple.”

The test was coordinated by PEDS, metro Atlanta’s pedestrian advocacy group, with support from the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and the City of Dunwoody. Radarsign presented the results to Chesnut Charter’s principal Dr. Richard Reid; City of Dunwoody Councilman, John Heneghan; City of Dunwoody Director of Public Works, Richard Meehan; as well as a number of concerned parents and residents.

“People should be asking for driver feedback signs instead of speed humps,” said Michael Orta, PEDS’ Director of Community Education. “The signs are portable, informative, and effective at slowing drivers. Slower cars means safer walking.”

About Radarsign

Radarsign is the country’s most affordable, reliable and effective provider of driver feedback signs. The company delivers the most energy efficient products on the market and our “built-for-the-job” design, makes our signs the most dependable and easy-to-use traffic calming solution. Radarsign products are available in a variety of sizes and mounting options (pole-mounted, mobile stand, trailer-hitch mount, etc.) and provide a proven and affordable solution to calming traffic in neighborhoods, school zones, military and corporate campuses, as well as city streets and highways.

For more information visit: www.radarsign.com

Soncell announces major strategic acquisition

Soncell North America, the Homeland Security Division of Bowmer & Kirkland Group – one of UK’s largest privately owned construction and development companies – announced today that it has completed the strategic acquisition of US-based industry leaders in the public safety sector. Ten companies including: AEP-Arizona, AEP-California, AEP-Colorado, AEP-Nevada, AEP-New Mexico, AEP-Utah, Auto Additions, AZ EP Fleet, Emergency Vehicle Solutions and Patrol Power have been strategically acquired by Soncell to create AEP North America

By fusing ten leading companies, AEP North America brings together the industry’s most comprehensive portfolio of services, technologies and expertise. The combined organization has the technical resources and intellectual property required to deliver maximum value to customers. With leading technology, a premier partner network and an organization dedicated to public safety, the company will be able to compete more effectively in new and expanding markets and provide value for its most important stakeholders – its customers, partners, and employees.

Soncell North America offers the industry a single source with a complete range of high quality, enterprise-class solutions and multi-channel execution with its three distinctive business units: AEP North America, Soncell Products and Soncell Services.

Bringing together companies with complementary strategic visions, services, and technologies allowed us to expand our reach across the United States and gain market share. We have become the nation’s largest emergency vehicle up-fitter with coast-to-coast service and product support. We now have a tremendous opportunity for further growth based on our mutual strengths and experience.

"For Bowmer and Kirkland, this strategic transaction provides our collective teams a unique opportunity to enhance customer service, advance product development and most importantly, service the communities in which we do business.“ – Melvin Sheldon, Group Finance Director, Bowmer & Kirkland, Ltd.

The Bowmer & Kirkland Group is one of the largest and most successful privately-owned construction and development groups in the UK with sales in 2008 exceeding $1.7 billion.

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